korean-speaking countries and territories 뜻
- 한국어권
- countries: 나라
- territories: 영토
- albanian-speaking countries and territories: 알바니아어권
- arabic-speaking countries and territories: 아랍어권
- armenian-speaking countries and territories: 아르메니아어권
- azerbaijani-speaking countries and territories: 아제르바이잔어권
- bengali-speaking countries and territories: 벵골어권
- bosnian-speaking countries and territories: 보스니아어권
- chinese-speaking countries and territories: 중국어권
- croatian-speaking countries and territories: 크로아티아어권
- danish-speaking countries and territories: 덴마크어권
- dutch-speaking countries and territories: 네덜란드어권
- english-speaking countries and territories: 영어권
- french-speaking countries and territories: 프랑스어권
- german-speaking countries and territories: 독일어권
기타 단어
- "korean-language singers" 뜻
- "korean-language songs" 뜻
- "korean-language surnames of chinese origin" 뜻
- "korean-language television shows" 뜻
- "korean-language websites" 뜻
- "korean-style room" 뜻
- "koreana (band)" 뜻
- "koreana hotel" 뜻
- "koreanic languages" 뜻
- "korean-language television shows" 뜻
- "korean-language websites" 뜻
- "korean-style room" 뜻
- "koreana (band)" 뜻